
Problem with using SEN0244 TDS sensor with pH sensor

userHead Account cancelled 2020-12-14 05:42:40 772 Views0 Replies
Hello everyone, I am currently working on a project to make a water monitoring system out of a Raspberry Pi. For the system I would like to measure both pH (sensor that I am using is this: ... UTF8&psc=1) and TDS (total dissolved solids) with temperature compensation done with the readings from a DS18B20. All of the sensors work great independently, however when I put the pH probe and the TDS sensor (SEN0244) in the same solution, the pH reading would spike from ~8.2 to 12. I tried moving the TDS sensor probe a couple feet away from the pH sensor, but the pH value is still artificially high. I heard that this is a known issue with electrical conductivity sensor due to how it works, but are there any ways to prevent the TDS sensor from disrupting ion selective electrode readings? Thank you so much for your help!