
Wiring Connections to the DFPlayer Mini MP3

userHead jonpointer 2020-12-30 10:46:47 1483 Views5 Replies
This is a simple, rookie question that applies to a lot of these types of products. When you have a device like the DFPlayer Mini MP3 that comes with the connector headers soldered to it on each side (if that's what these are called), what is the preferred method to connect to these pins? For instance, if I'm just using it in AD Key mode, so I'm connecting directly to wires/resistors/buttons/etc., what is the preferred method? Soldering or some other options? Or maybe I'm supposed to remove these connector header pin for this type of application and solder directly to the board?
Thanks for your patience with this rookie question!
2021-01-08 14:18:56 Now you can only use welding to make an AD key button, but in the future, we will launch a module dedicated to AD key buttons, which can be used on Mini MP3 and a future recording and playback module. userHeadPic 347945801
2021-01-08 04:43:21 Thank you. Yes, I see how to use it with an Arduino. I was just using it in the AD Key mode for simplicity - no Arduino required. Regardless, my question is about the physical connections. How should I connect to the headers that come soldered to the DFPlayer Mini board? Should I solder to these pins, or should I use a Dupont cable (like I linked to above), or something else? The Dupont wires would be nice, but I was worried whether they are a good long term connection.
userHeadPic jonpointer
2021-01-04 12:43:30 To use the DFPlayer Mini module with Arduino, you only need to connect four wires - VCC and GND to give power to the module and two Arduino digital pins to the RX and TX pins for serial communication. Then you can send commands to play MP3 files on the SD card. You can connect one mono speaker to the module or headphones in stereo mode.

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userHeadPic lauramiller199846
2021-01-01 03:58:33 Thank you! I definitely used Dupont cables (like the link below) and a breadboard for testing, but I was wondering when I build the final device that needs to last, be able to be dropped, etc. - how I should connect to the board. I assumed the Dupont cable can't be used for a final, durable connection - is that right? And once I'm done using Dupont and breadboard for testing, how should I do the final connection?
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userHeadPic jonpointer
2020-12-30 18:56:03 You can use Dupont cable to connect to the master, you can also use a breadboard to connect userHeadPic 347945801