
Problems with DFRobot CCS811+BME280 Module

userHead raoul.moehring 2021-01-23 22:35:02 690 Views3 Replies
Hello guys,
I ordered the DFRobot CCS811+BME280 Module to build a Co2 Alarm, but I just don't get it to work properly.

The Wiki says I should get the baseline, what I did a long time running the sensor outside till the Value on Serial Monitor stays constant. The problem is, that the value always stays constant for a while, but frequently changes to another value, which then stays constant for a while. So which one should I use?

When I tried to copy this value to the "get data" sketch for Co2, I only get values around 8000 ppm Co2 inside...

Also the BME280 Part doesn't work properly, I always get temperature around 26 °C but the real value is around 20.8 °C (measured with differente thermometers).

Am I doing something wrong?

I would be grateful for help!

2021-02-01 09:15:31 Thank you for your response!

Regarding the baseline: I just did as you said: measure the baseline for a long time outside (but even then the baseline value changes time and time again) and then put this value in the getdata sketch. then i get around 800 ppm co2 outside and around 8000 ppm inside, which doesn't make sense.

Regaring the BME-part: I just used the sketches from the wiki.

I would be really thankful for any tipps...
userHeadPic raoul.moehring
2021-01-26 11:13:31 Regarding the problem of BME280, there is no problem of inaccurate measurement on my side, so I hope to get your code so that I can further troubleshoot the problem userHeadPic 347945801
2021-01-26 10:21:41 Regarding the baseline problem, you need to measure in an environment with a very low CO2 concentration, such as outdoors with fresh air. Then record it when the baseline value does not change. Write the baseline value into routines such as "getData" and then perform measurement. The baseline of each CCS811 chip is different, so we cannot input the baseline value at the factory, and can only rely on the user to measure it. userHeadPic 347945801