
SEN0321 Ozone sensor - stops measuring

userHead 5145412 2021-01-28 19:58:01 721 Views3 Replies
Using SEN0321 Ozone sensor with Arduino micro and DFR0251 Relay module.
After the relay is triggered, communication with the ozone sensors is lost. The ozone sensor measures 0 all the time. A physical restart helps by removing the supply voltage from the ozone sensor (restarting the Arduino without restarting the sensor does not help).
I tried to connect the capacitor to the relay load (I thought it was due to interference when starting the load) - it doesn't help.
Is it possible to restart the ozone sensor programmatically without removing the supply voltage?
Thank you.
2021-02-02 21:47:13 No. I restart the sensor after it stops sending values. I tried the option you suggested (when the ozone.begin() function is launched in a loop ()) - it does not help, the values "0" come and there is a connection. That is, after switching on the load on the relay, communication with the sensor is maintained, but the values "0" begin to arrive userHeadPic 5145412
2021-01-29 14:28:17 My guess is that after you restart the sensor, the program in Arduino crashed, so you cannot read sensor data. You need to add the code to restart the sensor in the void loop() of the code
Code: Select all
while(!Ozone.begin(Ozone_IICAddress)) {
    Serial.println("I2c device number error !");
  }  Serial.println("I2c connect success !");
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