
TS01 IR Thermal Sensor - Nano or featherwing connection?

userHead Account cancelled 2021-02-12 10:50:20 635 Views1 Replies
Hi all,

I'm wondering if the TS01 IR sensor (here: ... KU_SEN0256 ) can be connected to an Arduino Nano or an Adafruit Featherwing, both of which use 3.3V. The specification indicates 5V, but I'd like to use the sensor in an existing project and not have to switch to an Uno, though I'm open to a voltage level shifter. Has anyone used the sensor with a Nano or Featherwing successfully, and can you share a connection diagram?

2021-02-19 15:48:06 You need a power supply that can provide at least 5V. As for receiving signals, you can use any master that can read analog voltage. userHeadPic 347945801