
A01NYUB ultrasonic sensor returning random characters in serial monitor

userHead Account cancelled 2021-02-16 02:57:33 638 Views1 Replies

I purchased the [ ... %20SEN0313] A01NYUB ultrasonic sensor and followed the pinout diagram. I also used the code on the linked page. However, I am getting the following output in the serial monitor of my Arduino IDE(see attached picture).

Important Note: The links states that I need a Uno IO sensor expansion board but the pinout diagram seems to be just the Uno headers? Is this the source of the error. Do I need the expansion board?

icon ArduinoSerialMonitorError.png Download(0)
2021-02-19 16:06:32 This kind of garbled output should first check whether the baud rate is correct. The baud rate of the code in the example is set to 57600, and the baud rate of your serial monitor is 9600 userHeadPic 347945801