
Gravity I/O for arduino with BLE-LINK Bluettoth 4.0

userHead Account cancelled 2021-02-16 17:15:37 522 Views1 Replies
Hi guys,

Total noob here. I have bought the following:

I stacked everything up on the arduino Uno but I have no idea how to make the bluettoth communicate with anything. I don't even think it can talk to arduino as it seats. I want to transmit basic raw data that I have passing on the arduino from its analog inputs.
Also does the gravity have analog inputs that can replace the pins on the arduino board once its stacked on top of it?

2021-02-19 16:28:54 You need to read the wiki carefully. Then you can use AT commands to operate the Bluetooth module. When you use the AT command to connect it to another Bluetooth device, you can use serial port printing to output data userHeadPic 347945801