
SKU:DR0023 External supply VOltage

userHead Account cancelled 2021-02-22 03:16:11 625 Views1 Replies
Hi everyone!
I am trying for my project to control a 5V bipolar stepper motor (24BYJ48) with the SKU:DRI0023 motor shield and the A4988 Driver. I have the shield embedded on the arduino UNO and supplied 5V DC via an external power supply. Does the external supply required to be connected on the shield need to be over 8 V DC?

Thank you :) ... KU_DRI0023_
2021-02-22 10:25:14 Yes, the external power supply of the shield is 8.2V-45V, and the power supply of Arduino cannot drive the stepper motor userHeadPic 347945801