
Relay-8 stops responding

userHead Account cancelled 2021-04-28 23:32:48 572 Views2 Replies
here is my issue, I have 2 relay-8 boxes on my network, after about 24 hours the two of them stop responding and it is almost at the exact same time. in trying to troubleshoot the issue I replaced the one gave it a new ip address and the same issue happened. the only common thing I can figure is that they are on the same vlan but besides that I can not come up with a relationship......thanks for any suggestions......HOSS
2021-05-13 13:11:36 The breadboards like yours usually have power rails separated in the middle. On a photo of your setup it looks like you connected your power supply to the upper half of the board, and reset of the circuit to the lower. Try connecting everything on the same half, or use jumpers to connect power rails. userHeadPic patboyd199.6
2021-05-06 13:07:44 Found the solution. Change the digitalWrite from HIGH to LOW and LOW to HIGH for pin 7
Code: Select all
void setup() 
    pinMode(7,OUTPUT);    // Relay Signal Pin
    digitalWrite(7,LOW); // <-- change this


    digitalWrite(7,HIGH);  // shutdown the circuit <-- change this too

void loop() 
Hope this help others for having same relay.
userHeadPic naomiperez19886