
Gravity Lightning Sensor SEN0290

userHead Account cancelled 2021-05-24 04:08:25 557 Views2 Replies
Hi! - I recently purchased 2 of the lightning sensors and am unable to get them to work. I can compile and upload the sketch but immediately get the message:

14:57:46.956 -> DFRobot AS3935 lightning sensor begin!
14:57:46.956 -> I2C init fail

I have everything cabled as described here: ... %20SEN0290

I have tried multiple Unos as well as a Mega with the same result, as well as trying both SEN0290s. An I2C scanner sketch reports no I2C devices.

Any thoughts????

2023-01-31 09:37:20

Hi Scott

Could you please first check the I2C address of the module? It could be an issue if both A1 and A0 are set as 0

For SCL and SDA, SDA line has an inbuilt pulling_up resister in the Arduino, so there is no need to add an additional pulling_up resistor.


If you have any more questions, plz let us know.


Hope it can help you solve the question.

userHeadPic Tonny12138
2023-01-27 10:32:05

For some reason the designer has omitted a pullup resistor on the SDA line. You can see on the circuit that SCL has a pullup but nothing on the SDA line. Try adding a 10k resistor from SDA to 3.3v (or 5v if that's what you are using) and it should start working like mine did. A good test to check it's running is to put it into Tuning mode (Detailed example) and monitor the frequency on the interrupt pin with an Oscilloscope or frequency counter. Now just waiting for a storm…..



userHeadPic Robert.Walls