
7'' HDMI Display - SKUDFR0506 - mouse / touchscreen capability stops working after some time

userHead Account cancelled 2021-07-26 19:16:53 393 Views0 Replies
Hello everybody,

I have 2 displays SKUDFR0506 with capacitive touchscreen Version 2.0 to be used with Raspberry Pi (version 3B and 3B+).

After some minutes the touch capacity dissapears, I mean, you cannot longer move the mouse pointer with your finger on the screen. If the raspberry is rebooted, you can move the mouse again with a finger on the screen, but again, after some minutes you cannot longer do it.

This happens with both Raspberry Pi and with both displays, tested with the following Raspbian releases:
- 2019-06-20-raspbian-buster.img
- 2020-02-13-raspbian-buster.img
- 2021-05-07-raspios-buster-armhf-full.img (the last one)

I don't run any specific "custom" application, just boot the raspberry, open a terminal and leave it alone for a while, 10, 15, 20... minutes.

The only customization done, is the suggested modifications to /boot/config.txt as explained in the WIKI to setup the resolution/size properly for the displays.
Reference link:''_HDMI_Displ ... U__DFR0506

The power adapter I'm using is an official Raspberry power supply adapter, which outputs 5.1 Volts @ 2.5A (12.75W).
There is also a USB keyboard and a USB mouse connected to the Raspberrys
No WiFi connection and no network connection

I don't get any previous error messages or warnings, the mouse pointer just "freezes" and does not work any longer using the display, it only works with the USB mouse.

Have you got any advice to solve this issue?

Thanks in advance,
