Forum >Bluno Beetle BLE
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Bluno Beetle BLE

userHead Account cancelled 2021-09-07 08:55:13 1824 Views0 Replies
I am trying to code a program that will constantly get the RSSI of two connected bluno beetles but unfortunately I can not enter the AT mode through the sketch

I am able to get the RSSI manually on the Serial monitor, but when it comes to automizing this process I get stuck, in all of the related articles that I found on the enthernet everyone seems to be using: Serial.print('+'); to activate the AT mode, I tried using it too but the only result I got was the plus sign on the serial monitor and that's all

Can anyone help me with how to enter the AT commands through the sketch, and get the RSSI repeatedly

By the way I am using the Bluno Beetle BLE v1.1 with the firmware version 1.97