Serial Monitor Garbage issue

userHead Account cancelled 2021-10-12 01:29:03 964 Views1 Replies
Husky Lens is firmware 5.1

I ran File -> Examples ->04.Communication -> ASCIITable and saw normal results, dec, hex, oct and bin.

I then with zero changes I ran File -> HuskyLens -> Huskylens_Get_Started. The results are total garbage.


I have green on pin 10, blue on 11 and nothing else is on the board at all, just the husky lens. I am stuck, any ideas?

Thank you!
2022-05-14 20:59:16

Hi cep96,


A quick check of the two programs you have mentioned indicates speed differences in the Serial interface:

- ASCIITable example is set to run the Serial port at 9600 baud in line 24:   Serial.begin(9600);

- Get_Started example is set to run the Serial port at 115200 baud in line 31: Serial.begin(115200);


If, as you mentioned, you ran both without any changes, then most likely the Serial Monitor speed settings are not set correctly. Try setting them to the same speed and see if it is any better.





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