
Is it possible to read raw data from the mmWave radar SKU:SEN0395?

userHead Account cancelled 2021-11-02 22:39:54 533 Views1 Replies
Looking at the product information it says there are two ways of receiving output, I/O port switch quantity and serial output.
However, it seems that the output is only whether or not a human has been detected in ASCII format. Is there any way to read the raw data from this radar so that I can use it to detect the presence of something else other
than humans?
2023-02-21 15:59:48


After asking the product manager of mmWave - Human Presence Detection Sensor (9 Meters)(SKU:SEN0395). We confirm that the raw data is not accessable. The built-in algorithm on the chip will only output human detection results. Sorry about that.


userHeadPic NeloKin