ArduinoHow to select

Water sensor selection, which is better?

userHead Account cancelled 2022-01-14 10:56:54 802 Views0 Replies
Hi there!

I am upgrading my automated garden setup to include a rainwater tank, and will be using this water before falling back to mains supply if the tank is empty. I'm selecting one of these two capacitive sensors for ease of installation:

Does anybody know what the meaningful difference between them is, or has experience to say which one gives better performance? I am simply mounting to the side of a plastic water tank, seems ideal for these sensors.

Bonus question; my tank is about 10m away from the Raspberry Pi control box so I will have to extend wires. Can you advise whether I am better off extending the wire between sensor and control board, or between the control board and my system? Don't want to run into power dropoff issues over the longer wires!
