Forum >2WD remote control car

2WD remote control car

userHead Account cancelled 2011-05-26 10:26:45 13391 Views4 Replies

hey im really new at this sort of stuff and thought you know what this would be easy and my first arduino project did work but hay

ive begun to build a 4WD remote control car  well so i thought here is what parts i have 
Arduino Duemilnova ... orm-2.html 
(Dagu Mr. Basic Mobile Robotic Platform)

Arduino Sheild

2 x Motors 
2A Dual Motor Controller
2A Motor Sheild for Arduino
Arduino xbee v1.3
xbee 2mw wire antenna (series 2 ZB)

could some one write me a step buy step guide on how to put this together and what sort of code to write 

ideally my end goal is to have a remote control car controlled over internet or a network help!!!!!!


2013-04-16 09:45:28 Hi pratyadi,

Thanks for your sharing and I've attached your project to the Romeo product page.  ;D

PS: Your robot looks powerful.....

If any suggestion or idea about our products, please feel free to contact with me!

E-mail: [email protected]

userHeadPic Lauren
2013-04-12 21:33:23 Hi Lauren,

It's a privillage to share. Please provide links to in your product page too, as I update it regularly.

I love your products, and I experiment with many of your kits.
userHeadPic pratyadi
2013-04-10 19:25:04 Very easy

The guys at wrote a really great tutorials on DFRobot Romeo V2 and Arduino codes that work so well with it.

Check them out!
userHeadPic pratyadi
2011-07-06 14:13:06 im a noob too , lol, but il share what i know...
first off as a noob i found the romeo board, which actually has a motor controller built in which is sweet, second bonus with the romeo is that it has a dedicated pin header to connect the acp220 (rf module) or the dfrobot bluetooth module,. the board also so has a load of push buttons and i have found it very suited for a first time robot builder as it incorporates a load of hardware in one package.

my robot , moves via a keypress from keyboard to the serial monitor of the software program used to code, the com(usb of pc) port has another apc220 modules connected to it, and thus my robot is wireless in the form of radio frequency,  as for control from the INTERNET i think u need to use a Ethernet shield(>?? cite).

you tube,, google,,  ardunio website and playground and there are others , but theses sites can be very very helpful and informative,
sorry if this hasnt helped lol,

o yeah, sample code for movement from the romeo manual

Sample Code?
int E1 = 5; //M1 Speed Control
int E2 = 6; //M2 Speed Control
int M1 = 4; //M1 Direction Control
int M2 = 7; //M1 Direction Control
///For previous Romeo, please use these pins.
int E1 = 6; //M1 Speed Control
int E2 = 9; //M2 Speed Control
int M1 = 7; //M1 Direction Control
int M2 = 8; //M1 Direction Control
void stop(void) //Stop
void advance(char a,char b) //Move forward
analogWrite (E1,a); //PWM Speed Control
analogWrite (E2,b);
void back_off (char a,char b) //Move backward
analogWrite (E1,a);
analogWrite (E2,b);
void turn_L (char a,char b) //Turn Left
analogWrite (E1,a);
analogWrite (E2,b);
void turn_R (char a,char b) //Turn Right
analogWrite (E1,a);
analogWrite (E2,b);
void setup(void)
int i;
pinMode(i, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin(19200); //Set Baud Rate
void loop(void)
char val =;
case 'w'://Move Forward
advance (100,100); //PWM Speed Control
case 's'://Move Backward
back_off (100,100);
case 'a'://Turn Left
turn_L (100,100);
case 'd'://Turn Right
turn_R (100,100);
else stop();
userHeadPic bkrause