
DFPlayer issues

userHead Dalton.headlee 2017-10-13 17:17:23 3378 Views4 Replies
Hello DFRobot,

I recently purchased a DFPlayer from you off of Amazon, and I am having a few issues with it. I am using an Arduino Pro Mini and have it hooked up properly to the DFPlayer. TX to RX with no resistor, RX to TX, SPK 1 to positive speaker lead and SPK2 to ground speaker lead. The DFPlayer is being powered by the Arduino itself, which operates at 3.3V.

I tried to run the first example code on your wiki for the DFPlayer through my Arduino Pro Mini. I changed the RX and TX pins to 1 and 0, respectively, and ran the code. However, the DFPlayer is not detected by the code, because the only message I got was to recheck the connection or make sure the SD card was inserted. Both of which were correct, and the code would not move any further, and would not play any audio files.

More details, when I unplug the SD Card after I get the error message, I get loud buzzing that fades out, and then comes back.

I've heard about hooking the DFPlayer up to a separate power supply, but would this cause the issue with the serial ports not communicating? Or is there something else I am missing?
2017-10-19 15:43:52 If the player not playing audio, there is some buzzing even you add the resistor between serials. Can you play the whole song? userHeadPic robert.chen
2017-10-19 02:08:39 Thank you for your response. I'm no longer having issues with the serial ports. The player is communicating fine now. HOWEVER another issue has arisen. The buzzing is still happening, and I have separated the Arduino power supply from the DFPlayer power supply. The player seems to be working fine on it's own when the speaker is not plugged in. The LED lights up each time it plays an mp3, but when I plug in the speaker, there is buzzing for about 3 minutes. Then it stops. then for one second the LED lights up and I can hear the audio file, and then it shuts off and the buzzing returns. userHeadPic Dalton.headlee
2017-10-18 17:48:43 Hi
In the code, you need to change the delay time after starting playing, which means the "delay()" should be longer than the length of the song.
userHeadPic robert.chen
2017-10-16 08:06:18 l userHeadPic Dalton.headlee