userHead OracleDude 2022-04-20 12:20:20 9681 Views5 Replies

Original post here: https://www.dfrobot.com/forum/topic/311340

Three different browsers and every time I hit that page, it asks me to login, whether or not I already have.  Any other page, I'm logged in just fine.



Anyways, not that I'm expecting any help here.  Seriously regretting my DFRobot purchase due to the lack of any support.  Followed the wiki exactly for the LORA device and the example arduino code doesn't init properly.

2023-07-17 03:06:19

I wired mine exactly as the wiki said too. RESET to D2 and CS to D4, if you do anything different you need to change the init line.

userHeadPic StephenBrooks
2023-07-17 03:04:17

The key lines for me were


#define RX_LEN    11






Once I did this it worked, with the tx test  from this page https://wiki.dfrobot.com/FireBeetle_Covers_LoRa_Radio_868MHz_SKU_TEL0125 I could test both (rx and rx)  from GitHub if you think it would help you.

userHeadPic StephenBrooks
2023-07-17 01:27:53

What's the update? Did you try this? https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_Lora/blob/master/examples/receiveTest/receiveTest.ino

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
2023-07-16 21:51:43

There is an error in the reciever  example code. Try the version in Github instead.



userHeadPic StephenBrooks
2022-08-26 17:41:20

I have 2 DFrobot Firebeetle 433Mhz Lora modules and 2 DFrobot Firebeetle ESP8266 MCU's. I loaded the DFrobot example transTest and receiveTest from the Lora-ESP8266 library files into the MCU's. I can see that the transmitter is sending packets, but the receiver only shows 'Receiver Test' in the serial monitor. I have connected RST to D3 and CS to D4 and on the receiver, I connected DIO0 to IO4/D7 on the MCU. Any assistance in getting these devices to work would be appreciated.

userHeadPic AndreGeyser