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Recommendations wanted for sound player for Arduino MEGA

userHead George.Pandelios 2022-04-20 18:17:04 691 Views0 Replies

I need some advice on a player to use within an animation.  It will function under the control of an Arduino MEGA 2560 (I need the additional I/O pins) running a program (sketch) written in the C language.  Here are the requirements:


A player or shield that works with the MEGA 2560.

Large on-board storage (SD card) – 32 GB or so (large number of files, file structure supported)

Reliable, robust software library that interfaces w/ C

Must support the WAV sound file format

Player must have the ability to respond reliably to software commands and easily switch between tracks

Minimal (preferably zero) soldering

Player has outputs for multiple speakers

Decent documentation

Suggestions for speakers are definitely welcome


I would appreciate help in finding a complete solution for this player.  I would like to order it soon.


Thank you!