
SKU:DFR0300 & SKU:SEN0161 Libraries for Arduino NANO 33 IoT

userHead AngelIngles 2022-05-07 23:13:00 914 Views1 Replies

Hi everyone,


has enybody knows if there are libraries of the SKU:DFR0300 (EC) & SKU:SEN0161 (PH) sensors for the Arduino NANO 33 IoT.


In Github I only see that the  DFRobot_EC and DFRobot_PH are just compatible with the boards: 









Thanks in advance for your help! 

2022-06-17 11:36:37

Hello! These two sensors may not have test data on Arduino NANO 33 IoT. But both products output analog voltage. The controller converts the analog voltage value to obtain the result. It is recommended that you refer to the parametric programming of the wiki example code.

userHeadPic Tonny12138