Solar Module causing frequent resets of Raspberry Pi 3B+
Hi all, I purchased the Solar Power Manager 5V 1.1 module (DFR0559) hoping to use it for a solar powered robot project however I'm finding that it's causing frequent but unpredictable/inconsistent resets of my Raspberry Pi 3B+. Sometimes the system fails to boot while my voltmeter shows a very low voltage coming out of the power module of ~3V (and also a strange humming sound from the RPi), other times shortly after booting if I run some command like dmesg a couple of times the system just “hard” resets and my ssh session freezes. Nothing seems obviously wrong like a super high current surge or voltage fluctuations outside of tolerance (voltmeter shows values in the ranges of 5.04-5.1V @ 400-800mA). I can confirm that with my simple off-the-shelf USB power banks the RPi can be powered on indefinitely and without these problems at all. My test set-up is as follows:
Battery (3400mAh, 3.7V):
Solar Panel (6W, 5V):
External power from 5V @ 1A USB from my PC
I've tried a variety of configurations to debug the issue and can confirm that the random reboots / startup issues occur even with only the battery connected (no solar panel, no USB power from the PC). I was unable to confirm whether they agree while solar powered due to poor weather in my area right now.
I know that the RPi can draw more than the 900mA current the module is rated for, however I did extensive testing before purchase to confirm my project does not have current demands that high, even at its peak of ~800mA. I understand this still could theoretically be a problem if there is a spike that I can't detect/catch, though I'm unsure how to even go about diagnosing that.
Is there anything more I can do to try to diagnose what might be going on? Thanks in advance!
Further troubleshooting I discovered the low voltage output (~3V via USB out) is caused by the battery being nearly empty or physically removed, even when 5V USB in is provided. This surprised me a little bit, but is workable. I started wondering if perhaps the resets are caused by insufficient current from the battery and the power module not pulling from the USB input (or solar in a real world deployment), but unfortunately I'm stuck as I'm not sure how I can even test that without buying a bunch of batteries and testing them all.
jastaI should also clarify that I did install the cooling fin. The unit does certainly generate heat though it never is too hot to touch/handle and best I can tell the resets are not due to overheating, especially because the RPi always automatically reboots.