RaspberryPi_Expansion_Board (Zero version) not detected
I bought one of these a while back and have just tried it in a project. Unfortunately when I trie to access it using the “demo_pwm.py” example I get this output:
Board list conform:
board status: device not detected
board begin faild
board status: device not detected
board begin faild
If I run “i2cdetect -y 1” from Linux there are no devices connected.
If I attach a BME280 Atmospheric sensor through the IIC pins on the board it shows up at address 77 and I can read its data correctly.
Why does the Board list conform come back with “[0x1]” instead of “[0x10]” or “[1,0x10]” which I would expect as the real address of the board. Is this an error in the code supplied for the board?
Sorry for the late reply.
Could you please the SKU of this board, we can't find it on our website.
Hope it can help.
Tonny12138I also note that the link to what shoiuld be the schematic for this board is actually a link to “Analog TDS Sensor\Meter For Arduino” schematic.