RaspberryPi_Expansion_Board (Zero version) not detected

userHead JohnReynolds 2022-06-26 16:45:47 984 Views2 Replies

I bought one of these a while back and have just tried it in a project.  Unfortunately when I trie to access it using the “demo_pwm.py” example I get this output:


Board list conform:


board status: device not detected

board begin faild

board status: device not detected

board begin faild


If I run “i2cdetect -y 1” from Linux there are no devices connected.


If I attach a BME280 Atmospheric sensor through the IIC pins on the board it shows up at address 77 and I can read its data correctly.


Why does the Board list conform come back with “[0x1]” instead of “[0x10]” or “[1,0x10]” which I would expect as the real address of the board.  Is this an error in the code supplied for the board?



2022-06-27 15:10:23

I also note that the link to what shoiuld be the schematic for this board is actually a link to “Analog TDS Sensor\Meter For Arduino” schematic.



userHeadPic JohnReynolds