General Arduino

Dozer Arduino Coding

userHead GeorgeCormier 2022-07-03 21:10:17 239 Views0 Replies

I had upgraded the dozer with a 3 POT joystick....that will spring back to center (Neutral) when let go; in neutral has a relay to cut the power off to the left and right solenoids from the Joystick. I can have other safety measures in me safety always comes first

There are 3 POTs in the Joystick:

    FNR POT =  Is for the forward-Neutral-Reverse; this one is set to 2.50 DCV in center, 1.5 DCV in full forward, and 3.5 DCV in full revers position

    Left POT = Is to control the Left Track; in center position of the joystick it will output 1.5 DCV and 3.5 DCV in full left.
    Right POT = is to control the Right Track; in center position of the joystick it will output 1.5 DCV and 3.5 DCV in full right.

I also have a Motor Controller on top of the Arduino to operate the motors

Below is the code that is working but need help with.


The issue I am having is its too sensitive; when moving the Joystick forward or backward it would move in a way that would jerk; I would need it to be more smoothing as a slow smoother ramp than as a jerking motion. Thanks for the help


// Analog Input pins:
const int LeftMotor_CurrentPin = A0; // Channel A Motor Current Pin (0V - 0A to 3.3V - 2A TODO ADCRange?)
const int RightMotor_CurrentPin = A1; // Channel B Motor Current Pin (0V - 0A to 3.3V - 2A TODO ADCRange?)
// TODO Figure out how to limit motor current


const byte Y_AIPin = A2; // Full Forward=300, Full Reverse = 711
const int Y_FullForward = 300;
const int Y_FullReverse = 711;


const byte XLeft_AIPin = A3;  // 305 center to 712 left
const byte XRight_AIPin = A4; // 305 center to 712 right
const int X_Neutral = 305; // Center/Neutral position
const int X_FullTurn = 712; // Full right/left


// Outputs
const int LeftMotor_BrakePin = 9; // Channel A Brake Pin
const int RightMotor_BrakePin = 8; // Channel B Brake Pin
const int Brake_Off = LOW;
const int Brake_On = HIGH;


const int LeftMotor_SpeedPin = 3; // Channel A Motor Speed Pin
const int RightMotor_SpeedPin = 11; // Channel B Motor Speed Pin
const int Motor_FullSpeed = 255; // Range for the motor outputs
const int Motor_Stop = 0; // Range for the motor outputs


const int LeftMotor_DirPin = 12; // Channel A Motor Direction Pin
const int LeftForward = HIGH; // Change from LOW to HIGH
const int LeftReverse = LOW; //  Changed from HIGH to LOW


const int RightMotor_DirPin = 13; // Channel B Motor Direction Pin
const int RightForward = LOW;
const int RightReverse = HIGH;


// Configuration
const int ThrottleMax = 255;
const int DeadZone = 15; // Adjust to allow room for neutral


int PrintLimitCnt = 0;


void setup()
 // Initialize the motor control pins
 pinMode(LeftMotor_CurrentPin, INPUT);
 pinMode(RightMotor_CurrentPin, INPUT);

void loop()
 //  map takes integer values and scales them to another range Ex: 300-711 => (-255)-255
 int throttleScaled = map(analogRead(Y_AIPin), 300, 711, -ThrottleMax, +ThrottleMax);
 int throttle = map(throttleScaled, Y_FullReverse, Y_FullForward, -ThrottleMax, +ThrottleMax);
 // Limit steering to current throttle
 int steerLeft = map(analogRead(XLeft_AIPin), X_Neutral, X_FullTurn, 0, throttle);
 int steerRight = map(analogRead(XRight_AIPin), X_Neutral, X_FullTurn, 0, throttle);


 // For the left motor, go  slower for turning left (negative steering)
 int speedLeft = constrain(throttle - steerLeft, -255, +255);  // -255 Full reverse to +255 full forward
 // Opposite for the right motor
 int speedRight = constrain(throttle - steerRight, -255, +255);  // -255 Full reverse to +255 full forward
 // Run the left motor
 if (speedLeft < -DeadZone) // backwards
   // Run left motor backwards at PWM -speedLeft
   digitalWrite(LeftMotor_BrakePin, Brake_Off);
   digitalWrite(LeftMotor_DirPin, LeftReverse);
   int speed = map(-speedLeft, 0, 255, Motor_Stop, Motor_FullSpeed);
   analogWrite(LeftMotor_SpeedPin, speed);
 else if (speedLeft > DeadZone) // forwards
   // Run left motor forward at PWM speedLeft
   digitalWrite(LeftMotor_BrakePin, Brake_Off);
   digitalWrite(LeftMotor_DirPin, LeftForward);
   int speed = map(speedLeft, 0, 255, Motor_Stop, Motor_FullSpeed);
   analogWrite(LeftMotor_SpeedPin, speed);
   // Stop left motor
   analogWrite(LeftMotor_SpeedPin, Motor_Stop);
   digitalWrite(LeftMotor_BrakePin, Brake_On);

 // Run the motors:
 if (speedRight < -DeadZone) // backwards
   // Run right motor backwards at PWM -speedRight
   digitalWrite(RightMotor_BrakePin, Brake_Off);
   digitalWrite(RightMotor_DirPin, RightReverse);
   int speed = map(-speedRight, 0, 255, Motor_Stop, Motor_FullSpeed);
   analogWrite(RightMotor_SpeedPin, speed);
 else if (speedRight > DeadZone) // forwards
   // Run right motor forward at PWM speedRight
   digitalWrite(RightMotor_BrakePin, Brake_Off);
   digitalWrite(RightMotor_DirPin, RightForward);
   int speed = map(speedRight, 0, 255, Motor_Stop, Motor_FullSpeed);
   analogWrite(RightMotor_SpeedPin, speed);
   // Stop right motor
   analogWrite(RightMotor_SpeedPin, Motor_Stop);
   digitalWrite(RightMotor_BrakePin, Brake_On);
 // TODO Limit motor current?
 int currentLeft = analogRead(LeftMotor_CurrentPin);
 int currentRight = analogRead(RightMotor_CurrentPin);
 // Printing to console is slow, only do it on occasion
 if (!(++PrintLimitCnt % 1000)) // Increase to slow down prints
     Serial.print(" \tsteerLeft=");
     Serial.print(" \tsteerRight=");
     Serial.print(" \tspeedLeft=");
     Serial.print(" \tspeedRight=");
     Serial.print(" \tcurrentLeft=");
     Serial.print(" \tcurrentRight=");