Forum >SEN0343 problem

SEN0343 problem

userHead tuubeli 2022-07-06 09:18:57 979 Views3 Replies



I bought an arduino UNO board somewhile ago and decided to experiment with SEN0343 sensor. I had problems with compiling the sample code from wiki.DFRobot when the auto-calibration function “lwlp.autoCorDrift();” brought error: 'class DFRobot_LWLP' has no member named ‘autoCorDrift’ . 

Then I checked the API Function list and it seems that the auto calibration differential pressure drift is stated as: “void autoCorDrift();”

Changing that line of code in the sample I got it running but only readings I get from the com are:

"Differential Pressure: 595.24 pa 

Temperature: 85.00 C ".


And those numbers wont change. Is it most likely an connection issue or was that change in the code a mistake?


edit: I connected the sensorboard with the 2.54-4P Black Single Row Pin Header that came with the sensor to the breadboard and from there with wires to the UNO. Shouldn't be any problems here?




2022-07-07 05:35:30

No, I used the header pin that came along the sensor.

userHeadPic tuubeli
2022-07-06 17:42:22

Hi, Are the sensor's 4PIN pins soldered? Can you share your wiring if it's convenient

userHeadPic Winster