SEN0343 problem

I bought an arduino UNO board somewhile ago and decided to experiment with SEN0343 sensor. I had problems with compiling the sample code from wiki.DFRobot when the auto-calibration function “lwlp.autoCorDrift();” brought error: 'class DFRobot_LWLP' has no member named ‘autoCorDrift’ .
Then I checked the API Function list and it seems that the auto calibration differential pressure drift is stated as: “void autoCorDrift();”
Changing that line of code in the sample I got it running but only readings I get from the com are:
"Differential Pressure: 595.24 pa
Temperature: 85.00 C ".
And those numbers wont change. Is it most likely an connection issue or was that change in the code a mistake?
edit: I connected the sensorboard with the 2.54-4P Black Single Row Pin Header that came with the sensor to the breadboard and from there with wires to the UNO. Shouldn't be any problems here?
Hi, Are the sensor's 4PIN pins soldered? Can you share your wiring if it's convenient