Analog EC Sensor PRO PT1000 Issue

I have ordered a Gravity: Analog Electrical Conductivity Sensor PRO (K=1) and I having issue with measurement of the temperature with the pt1000.
I am at ambient temperature around 25°C (controlled with thermocouple) and the probe still saying me that the temperature is around 35°C on Arduino Mega and Leonardo (TE_adc:199,TE_Voltage:971mV,Temp:34.83degC), and 15°C on Adafruit Metro M4 Express (TE_adc:307,TE_Voltage:668mV,Temp:15.79degC) and I am trying to figure out what's wrong ?
Is it possible to have schematics of PT1000 Temperature Sensor(V1.0.0) and EC Meter Pro(K=1)(V1.0.0) please ?
I also would like some clarification on this PT1000 amplifier circuit and how this conversion formula works since I'm using a different platform (ESP8266 w/ADS1115) than the arduino library which is all we have to reference.
Kindest Regards.

Maybe can someone juste explained me at least the formula and values used in convVoltagetoTemperature_C function ?
#define GDIFF (30/1.8)#define VR0 0.223#define G0 2#define I (1.24 / 10000)
float DFRobot_ECPRO_PT1000::convVoltagetoTemperature_C(float voltage){ voltage = volCal(voltage); float Rpt1000 = (voltage/GDIFF+VR0)/I/G0; float temp = (Rpt1000-1000)/3.85; return temp;}

This issue is marked as solved.
Do you solve the problem? How do you solve it?
I just bought this sensor and I have the same thing: The temperature is 18°C with another temperature controller and according to this sensor, there is 14°C (640 mv)
I don't understand why
Tnak you for your help
I am also having the exact same problem JPO.XXX, the calibration code for the PT1000 does nothing to calibrate. I attempted to correct this by adding an averaged value to the temperature, not sure if this affects the rest of the functions though.
However I'm still having issues with calibrating the conductivity probe. Constantly the calibrated K value does not store to EEPROM when called using function getCalibration()