Forum >Sen0313, Blind Zone Distance

Sen0313, Blind Zone Distance

userHead MuhammadAhsan 2022-07-22 23:18:41 637 Views2 Replies

Dear All
I hope you are doing well


Actually, I bought a number of SEN0313 ultrasonic sensors.
According to the datasheet blind zone distance is about max 28 cm,

I need to measure less than 28 cm, but on <28 cm it is showing an error, I already changed the code where they mention the limit but still, nothing happens.
Can someone please help me out with how can i reduce this blind zone distance? I need to use specially this sensor, not need to change the sensor.

2024-05-07 22:36:42

Bro is this sensor working for you. do you know what is the significance of 


=(0XFF + 0X07 + 0XA1)&0x00FF


0x00FF here. please tell

userHeadPic yaswanth.kuna
2022-07-25 19:25:52

Sorry, the blind distance of the sensor cannot be modified temporarily. If your project needs to detect objects within 28cm, it is suggested to replace the sensor to realize the project

userHeadPic Winster