
Panda Power-on sequence -- is there a way to simplify it?

userHead Account cancelled 2017-10-22 20:02:04 3868 Views2 Replies
(1) Is there a way to rig the Latte Panda to start booting into Windows 10 as soon as the micro-USB socket gets power? In other words, is there a way to tell it to boot into Windows without having to push the power button, wait for blinking to stop, then push the power button again?

(2) Without soldering or risking damage to the Latte Panda, is there a way to wire up a cable with a power switch on it, so that if you mount the Panda inside of a project case, you can turn it on with a switch, rather than open up your project box to switch the Panda on?

I am making a project where the Panda is locked up in a large box, and the project would benefit largely if the power switch was on the outside of the box. To simplify the project, so that other people can walk up and just turn it on, it would help if the Panda booted with one flip of that switch.

Ideas or instructions?

Thanks Panda People!
2017-11-02 00:52:27 download
userHeadPic appspopo4
2017-10-30 00:31:55 Hey!

(1) is answered here: ... aster/Bios

(2) i have read something about that, but can't find it right now, sorry!
userHeadPic wolfgang.stoettinger