Teensy dev board & 6-Axis Accelerometer

userHead RayHam 2022-08-22 17:30:17 1100 Views1 Replies

Hi Every one, 


I am trying to use Serial 6-Axis Accelerometer (https://www.dfrobot.com/product-2200.html) using Teensy 4.1 development board (https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/). 


Unfortunately I could not get it to work. 


Here is the code I am using. 


#include <DFRobot_WT61PC.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

//Use software serial port RX:10,TX:11
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11);

DFRobot_WT61PC sensor(&mySerial);

void setup()
 //Use Serial as debugging serial port 
 //Use software serial port mySerial as communication seiral port 
 //Revise the data output frequncy of sensor FREQUENCY_0_1HZ for 0.1Hz, FREQUENCY_0_5HZ for 0.5Hz, FREQUENCY_1HZ for 1Hz, FREQUENCY_2HZ for 2Hz, 
 //                        FREQUENCY_5HZ for 5Hz, FREQUENCY_10HZ for 10Hz, FREQUENCY_20HZ for 20Hz, FREQUENCY_50HZ for 50Hz, 
 //                        FREQUENCY_100HZ for 100Hz, FREQUENCY_125HZ for 125Hz, FREQUENCY_200HZ for 200Hz.

void loop()
 if (sensor.available()) {
   Serial.print("Acc\t"); Serial.print(sensor.Acc.X); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(sensor.Acc.Y); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.println(sensor.Acc.Z); //acceleration information of X,Y,Z
   Serial.print("Gyro\t"); Serial.print(sensor.Gyro.X); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(sensor.Gyro.Y); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.println(sensor.Gyro.Z); //angular velocity information of X,Y,Z
   Serial.print("Angle\t"); Serial.print(sensor.Angle.X); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.print(sensor.Angle.Y); Serial.print("\t"); Serial.println(sensor.Angle.Z); //angle information of X, Y, Z 
   Serial.println(" ");



I am really appreciate if you can highlight where I go wrong.


Thanks for you support.  

2023-02-01 17:26:48


Sorry, this module hasn't tested for compatibility with Teensy 4.1 development board. It may not support this development board.

From my point of view, i guess the soft serial on Teensy may be different from Arduino, you can try to adjust that part of the code.

Hope it can help!

userHeadPic Tonny12138