Forum >MICS 2714 is producing 0PPM

MICS 2714 is producing 0PPM

userHead Hemanthambarukhana 2022-08-25 02:55:37 898 Views4 Replies

I am not getting any output PPM for any gas measured. Please help me with my problem. I'm trying to read the following gasses:


H2 gas concentration:0.0000 PPM

CH4 gas concentration:0.0000 PPM
C2H50H gas concentration:0.0000 PPM
H2 gas concentration:0.0000 PPM
NH3 gas concentration:0.0000 PPM


using the following code:

float gasdata = mics.getGasData(H2);
 Serial.print("H2 gas concentration:");
 Serial.println(" PPM");

 gasdata = mics.getGasData(CH4);
 Serial.print("CH4 gas concentration:");
 Serial.println(" PPM");

 gasdata = mics.getGasData(C2H5OH);
 Serial.print("C2H50H gas concentration:");
 Serial.println(" PPM");

 gasdata = mics.getGasData(H2);
 Serial.print("H2 gas concentration:");
 Serial.println(" PPM");

 gasdata = mics.getGasData(NH3);
 Serial.print("NH3 gas concentration:");
 Serial.println(" PPM");

 but somehow I'm getting 0 ppm for all the gasses. Please help me.

2023-06-05 01:49:06

Hello, this sebsor needs 3 minutes to warm up..Make sure that you are maintaining this interval.

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
2023-06-03 04:05:13

facing similar problem. The values are coming for higher concentrations, but for open atmosphere, it shows 0.

userHeadPic abhi_kdsc
2023-02-21 17:26:21


Chances are that your sensor didn't communicate with your board. Could you please first try I2C scanning and see whether you can find your sensor in the correct address?

Hope it can help.

userHeadPic NeloKin
2023-01-04 22:51:04

What board are you using? Did you define the pin well and connect the pin according to your code?

userHeadPic YeezB