No CO values returned on the SEN0466 CO sensor

userHead Avhoboken 2022-08-26 10:36:40 574 Views2 Replies



I have issues getting the CO values out of the SEN0466 sensor. I have created the exact test set-up (hardware, wiring and script) as described in the Wiki, using a DFRobot UNO R3 and the SEN0466 CO Sensor. It does return the temperature but CO value (AllDataAnalysis.gasconcentration) keeps showing 0.

It's now running for three hours but no change so I assume something is wrong.


Any suggestions?


ps. I also find the returned temperature about 2C higher than measured by other (DFRobot) sensors like the DHT20 and DHT22, even with Temp. compensation enabled (gas.setTempCompensation(gas.ON))



2023-06-08 05:40:59

I'm also seeing this symptom (0ppm + temperature too high by 5C) with my SEN0466.

Could you please describe your fix?

userHeadPic Bruce.McKenney
2022-08-28 02:12:33

solved, was misreading the values

userHeadPic Avhoboken