DFR0767 GPIO - Using additional CM4 GPIO

userHead AlvinAnt 2022-08-31 05:11:24 1670 Views0 Replies



I would like to make use of the additional GPIO on the CM4 - this would normally be available on pins 27-40. This is only for some user I/O button inputs but would save having another port expander.


In lieu of the DFR0767 having these pins on a small header or test points, is there any issue with Kaynar wiring to the CM header (other than it being difficult)? Are these pins, specifically those for GPIO 5,6,13,19,26,12,16,20 and 21, tied either high or low in any way or used for something on board that I have not spotted? Is there a specific reason they were not brought out to (even small SM) test points or similar as that would give a lot of extra potential to this little board?


Is it possible anywhere to download either the board gerbers for this or even just a schematic as the black solder mask makes seeing things very challenging on this board?

