General Arduino

Lidar07 IIC Address Configuration

userHead cybersam 2022-09-06 10:34:39 850 Views1 Replies

Hello friends!

 Is it possible to change the IIC address on a Lidar07 sensor?
 If so, how?

 I am planning to wire a few of these together to a single I2C pair (SDA SCL) on an Arduino 33 BLE board, which AFAIU necessitates all but one device to receive new addresses rather than the default 0x70.

Thank you very much, awaiting your help :)



The same trick worked with 4 parallel TF-LUNAs all connected to a single IIC pin pair, but this project demands that 50% range addition we get with the Lidar07 :))

2022-09-12 15:50:41

The fix worked for the accelerometer values, as I just had to change int to int16_t, but for the altitude it is defined as a float in the code as well as in the library. Unfortunately now the altitude reading is positive and I can't go lower than ground surface, but do you believe simply changing all the "float" types in the library as well as for the altitude parameter in the code to "double" could fix it? Thank you in advance.

userHeadPic JiwanFilembar