FireBeetle ESP32 + DFR00669 don't working

userHead DannyRodius 2022-10-04 23:22:28 1010 Views1 Replies

Connected both with the GDI flat cable.

Downloaded the Sample Code 1 - Basic Test and uncommented the line


  DFRobot_ILI9488_320x480_HW_SPI screen(/*dc=*/TFT_DC,/*cs=*/TFT_CS,/*rst=*/TFT_RST); 


Compile the sketch and unloaded to the FireBeetle but nothing is happening except some backlight, who is comming on when I power on the Beetle.


What I'm missing or doing wrong?

Please someone any advise.

2022-10-06 03:48:17

Found the problem. Example use constants D2, etc.

These where not defined so replaced them with the pin# and got it working.

userHeadPic DannyRodius