
No value from H2S sensor using Arduino Uno

userHead Dilan.Rhaj 2022-10-20 10:41:18 1368 Views1 Replies



I'm try H2S Sensor in arduino uno but I get NO Devices from serial monitor. I change the mySerial, I2C address but still remain same. I'm using sample code from but it not working.


Help me with this how to solve this problem?

2022-10-21 09:29:05

Hi! Please dial the DIP switch SEL on the sensor to 1 and power on again, the sensor will use uart mode. The baud rate of the serial port in the sample code is 115200.Please use the sample code, the TX of the sensor is connected to D3 of the uno, and the RX of the sensor is connected to D2 of the uno.

userHeadPic jenna