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What humidity sensor are you using?

userHead GrehnanSondra 2022-11-02 15:33:47 2023 Views2 Replies

Hello, everyone, I bought some DHT11 humidity sensors that work for some projects I have coming up, and I realized DHT11 won't work for some other projects, due to limited humidity range, 20-90 on dht11, and I need one that can do 0-100%.

I find dht20, its cheaper, it uses i2c, and supports 0-100%

But, my problem is, I am finding all these other humidity/temp sensors, and I can't tell what other popular choices arduino community uses. The ones I have seen are

AHT10, AHT12, AHT20 AHT21, AHT22, mw33, am2302, am2320. HTU31D, etc...

the AHT* I mentioned are basically sensors without enclosure on them, I saw some with enclosure named something else, usually DHT*

I saw AHT10 seemed to achieve same as DHT20/AHT20 but takes less voltage, and I came here to ask which humidity sensor you use, regardless if I listed it in this post or not. I just don't want to blindly buy something and realize I could've gotten something better. Some projects I will be interfacing it with esp01, which is why I am leaning towards AHT10 due to voltage being low enough to be powered by a esp01.

2022-11-04 16:14:12

AM23xx series for sure!

I've played with them all, and they are the cheapest most reliable, in a finished housing, of the most accurate options available. Code is easy to use and understand.

BME is nice but more expensive with unneeded features and a difficult package to employ. Sucks to code as well.

DS18 does NOT measure humidity! Temp only. They are great, cheap, sensors, especially if you need to use a bunch in one project. I prefer these in RH is NOT needed.

Oh, and the BMEs? Well, they may, or may not, be BMEs. There has been an ongoing problem getting the advertised part numbers. They'll be advertised as either BME or BMP, however, the actual chip may arrive as one or the other (usually the cheaper one.) YOU get to figure out what you ACTUALLY receive and how to get it to work.

userHeadPic KamaalJema
Dan.Vla wrote:

I support your opinionheard that DHT22/AM2302 can give readings in the range of humidity 0-100% and in addition temperatures to 125F

2023-04-12 21:22:02
1 Replies