General Arduino

Struggling to learn the code

userHead ogan.semoi 2022-11-19 01:34:48 509 Views1 Replies

Hey Guys,

So bit of background to begin with. I'm an electrician by trade to when it comes to making circuits I certainly would say I'm all over it but I definitely have a good understanding. However when it comes to the code I'm really struggling to pick it up, I'm super keen to learn but it just won't stick in my brain!!

I've looked at tutorials and the guides on the arduino website but I'm still struggling to understand why we need to use certain commands for certain things and what they are actually doing. Also a lot of the stuff I've read seems to explain more about the circuit and just tells you what code to use, anyone can copy code and make it work but I want to be able to understand and write it myself.

If anyone could point me in the right direction of some ways to learn the code that explains what is happening and why id be very appreciative.

2022-11-24 11:47:16

Hi! please check this wiki:

userHeadPic jenna