DF Robot fingerprint sensor data

userHead Dorababu.babu 2022-11-23 15:12:39 1417 Views2 Replies



We are currently working on fingerprint data read from the fingerprint sensor module. We got the full image data. 


Is there a function to register this data to one of the ID of the fingerprint. ? 


We have checked in the DFrobot library. All function are using to extract data from fingerprint sensor module, but no function to upload data.



2023-01-30 16:29:52



Sorry, this module does not support uploading fingerprint data function.


It is recommended to do this on an external controller like PC.


Hope it can help.

userHeadPic Tonny12138
2022-11-28 18:30:54

can anyone help me to find the IDFinger6.0 algorithm documentation?


userHeadPic Dorababu.babu