General Arduino

TEL0124-SIM7600 : reboot and power status pin ?

userHead Maxime.Mauguet 2022-12-10 00:31:10 266 Views1 Replies



I am using an Arduino Mega and a TEL0124-SIM7600CE shield. I would like to make a complete reboot of TEL0124 by software.


I tried using the RST pin (pin 6) without any success. I then tried to turn off (PWR pin 12 to ground for 3s) but since it may take a while, I would like to get the status of the TEL0124 to make sure it's power down before power it on.

How can I get the pin status of SIM7600CE from TEL0124 connexions ?


Thanks a lot for your help !!



2022-12-10 00:37:37

To be more specific, I get the existence of the pin status from the SIM7600 documentation ;

userHeadPic Maxime.Mauguet