
DC Motor Driver 2x15A Lite, Schematics, Simplification

userHead MIKHAIL.Pem 2022-12-14 19:55:08 845 Views1 Replies

Is it possible to remove 74HC00 from the scheme. Also, removing diodes and transistors, will it harm the circuit?
 Module Schematic

2023-02-23 11:33:53


For 2×15A DC Motor Driver(SKU:DRI0018), it is highly not recommended to remove any part of the circuit on the board.

For 74HC00, it is used to enhance the signal voltage.

Diodes and transistors are used to protect the circuit.

If you change the circuit, we are afraid that we can not ensure your warranty.

Hope it can help.

userHeadPic NeloKin