
ESP8266 and Fermion MEMS Microphone as water flow sensor

userHead msolomos 2022-12-29 21:47:18 147 Views1 Replies


am using the MEMS microphone attached to a water pipe as a water flow sensor.


when the valve is closed I get 1.6V ….

However when the valve is on and hot water flows through the pipe I don't see a difference to the voltage. 


My sketch as follows


  - platform: adc

    pin: A0

    name: "Water flow Sensor"

    id: "water_flow_sensor"

    icon: mdi:water

    update_interval: 0.5s


      - multiply: 3.3

      - sliding_window_moving_average:

          window_size: 10

          send_every: 1

      - or:

          - throttle: 180s

          - delta: 0.02



any help would be much apreciated!!!

thank you in advance !!

