
Lctech Pi F1C200S "Waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p3"

userHead Alexey.Klepcin 2023-01-05 17:13:08 223 Views1 Replies

Hello! I try to work with Lctech Pi F1C200S and I’ve try to boot from SPI-NAND, but kernel parse this message to tty0: «Waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p3»

I’ve used this buildroot fork:

With this instructions all work done:


What I do for uploading image to the device:

1. Connect board with PC (BOOT button is pressed)

2. Run this command in the terminal «sudo sunxi-fel -p uboot ./u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin»

3. Wait, while usb device with 1f3a:1010 (vid:pid) was attached to the PC

4. Run this command in the terminal: «sudo du-util -R -an all -D ./sysimage-nand.img»

5. Disconnect device from PC, connect to the TTL USB port (BOOT is pressed).

6. Connect to the tty with this terminal command: «sudo minimum -D /dev/ttyUSB0»

7. Press «RST» button


After this steps, boot stopping on kernel message above.


Logs and buildroot config in attachment

icon 24KB Download(0)
2023-01-17 10:58:16


It is not recommended to use a virtual machine to burn the image of the board.Please try the ubuntu host system.


userHeadPic jenna