Battery and USB same time for long time usage?

userHead Nigh 2023-01-07 05:29:28 253 Views2 Replies



Is it safe to power the ESP8266 Board with USB and connected lipo-battery for long time simultaneously?

I don't want to overcharge the battery or damage it some other way by doing this.


I want the board to be powered by the battery only in case of lights going dark…




2023-02-20 17:39:21


First, you can not charge your battery via ESP8266 directly, it will only power the board.

If you connected it with usb, it will only supply by usb, not battery.

Hope it can help.

userHeadPic NeloKin
2023-01-07 06:05:44

Or in other words (referring to this article: are the usb and the battery circuit indipendent from each other?

userHeadPic Nigh