SEN0395 mmWave Radar LED Modes?
SEN0395 mmWave Radar presence detector.
There are commands to get LED Mode and set LED Mode.
There is an identifier that selects which LED Mode to get or set as well as a variable for LED Mode.
But what LED Modes are available?
And what do the LED Modes do?
I have the same issue - my SEN0395 is working fine, but clearly has an LED on the board, which flashes ~ once per second (see image below). Is there a way to turn it off?
Stephan.SchwiebertHi Ray
Thank you for your message.
I have carefully checked the Wiki page of the SEN0395 mmWave Radar and I didn't find anything about LED mode as there are no LED on this board.
I assume that the LED mode you refer to comes from this sample code.
The led mentioned in this code is just the LED light on the Arduino board, which is connected to pin 13 by default. While the sensor detected the human signal, it will write High voltage to pin 13, which will open the LED so you can observe the result clearly.
Hope it can solve your problem!
"I didn't find anything about LED mode as there are no LED on this board."
Are you referring to the SEN0395 as the board that has no LED(s)? I have one and there is a red LED that flashes toggling about once a second.
If not the SEN0395 then what board are you referring to when you say “there are no LED on this board”?