16x2 I2C RGB LCD Keypad HAT with RGB Font: no makefile found

userHead Barra 2023-01-24 20:57:18 266 Views2 Replies



Just purchase a 16x2 I2C RGB LCD Keypad HAT with RGB Font for my Raspberry Pi and am following the tutorial IIC 16x2 RGB LCD KeyPad HAT for Raspberry Pi Wiki - DFRobot.


Have couped it the the Pi, enabled I2C, installed i2c-tools and successfully (?) detected the device.

I then downloaded the files to the board git clone https://github.com/DFRobot/DFRobot_RGB1602_RaspberryPi.git.


Step 4: Run the C++ program[SetColor]: Set the LCD screen color to red.

cd DFRobot_RGB1602_RaspberryPi/DFRobot_RGBLCD
cd cpp


This is the output

What am I doing wrong?



2023-01-28 14:47:39

Hi Tony,

After I check the tutorial of 16x2 I2C RGB LCD Keypad HAT, I found that you may miss one line of code: cd SetColor.

Just like the code shown below in the tutorial.

I hope this can help you solve your problem


userHeadPic Tonny12138
2023-01-25 20:41:12

Works with Python

userHeadPic Barra