Retrieve previously assigned CustomName

userHead memchip 2023-01-28 01:42:45 889 Views2 Replies

I'm hoping someone may be able to point me in the right direction!


I'm using HUSKYLENS in Arduino environment and have tried everything I can think of to retrieve previously assigned custom name data from ALGORITHM_FACE_RECOGNITION learned ID blocks!


CustomName is set as follows: 



I think this data is easily available but I'm stuck on how to return it.


Returning this data in a COMMAND_RETURN_BLOCK read would be ideal but any method will do.


Any help you could give to help me achieve this will be greatly appreciated!


Thanks in advance for your time and assistance!

2023-03-19 20:49:31

This was among the suggestions made a while ago. Unfortunately not implemented yet.

In the meantime, if an object id : Name association is needed, then a user implemented dictionary is necessary.

userHeadPic tguneysu
2023-02-20 14:00:48


Sorry, COMMAND_RETURN_BLOCK can only return the ID it currently detects. There is no function that can retrieve previously assigned CustomName.

Hope it can help.

userHeadPic NeloKin