General Gravity

Gravity PH sensor V2 erratic reading.

userHead adro92 2023-02-02 17:10:21 883 Views4 Replies

Hey all,


Got my hands on a Gravity SEN0161-V2. After a lot of troubleshooting I cant seem to get a stable reading. If I use the included screw bottle with either 4PH or 7PH calibrating solutions I can get an almost accurate reading with only .04 movement of PH ( example 7.00ph - 7.04ph )


When I put the sensor in anything else such as a small cup of water or my aquarium the PH jump up and down erraticaly, for instance if I put the sensor in my 11 Litre aquarium my PH reading jumps between 6.4 - 7.8PH constatly. I am using the standard code included with the sensor and seem to have no luck.


The larger the body of water the larger the fluctuation in the reading.


Steps I have tried to resolve the issue.



1 Change between multple arduino's boards.

2 Change power input methods and different power supplies.

3 Test reference voltage coming into the Gravity sensor and the voltage is stable.

4 Let the PH probe rest in water for a long period of time to let it try stable out.

5. Eliminated possible interferance such as heaters and pumps inside the aquarium.

6 Recalibated the sensor multiple times on different hardware ( 2 point calibartion 4PH first, then 7PH )



A screeshot of my reading when putting the probe in my aquarium

After purchasing a cheaper almost indentical unit off ebay and it coming dead on arrival im starting to feel like these sensors are a gimic and dont actually provide a accurate reading, or am I just unlucky?


Any help would be appreciated :)



2023-02-12 16:31:31

Here is their return policy:

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
2023-02-12 08:47:11

Cheers for the reply,

I did contact DFrobot and they told me to head over to these forums to get support. I'm not sure what the next step would be in trying to return it as it does seem faulty to me.

userHeadPic adro92
2023-02-02 19:26:41

I think you should return the sensor to dfrobot.

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
bidrohini.bidrohini wrote:

Did anybody from Df contact you in this regard by the way?

2023-02-04 18:00:19
1 Replies