General Raspberry Pi

Can I hire someone to help me get setup?

userHead jecob.druv 2023-02-07 22:44:50 725 Views3 Replies

I am trying to get c++ compiling working properly on my pico, documentation and tutorials have cluttered my PC.

Can I just pay someone to help me get it setup seamlessly?

Also the RPI Zeros are out of stock or scalped. I got a banana pi zero m2, but can't get it to work. Their subreddit is dead also. It is near identical to the RPI Zero, so if someone can help with that too, I'll pay.


2023-02-28 02:27:21

i have a knowledge of C++ and C. 

userHeadPic teem.pade
2023-02-08 21:27:16

If you get any qualified person here, that is good. If you don't you can post your requirement to the freelancing platforms.

userHeadPic bidrohini.bidrohini
2023-02-08 02:22:58

you need someone who can help you, and i have a knowledge of C++ and C.

userHeadPic teem.pade