General Gravity

Gravity Sensor Beacon

userHead Charlie Harris 2023-02-10 05:36:57 713 Views3 Replies



Received announcement today of the Gravity Sensor Beacon.


Could this be used to read   RFID  tags at close proximity (50mm max)


One beacon per each area of warehouse.   The tag (rfid) read information to go to MS Excel (1 column for each beacon details)




Charles Harris

2023-02-20 09:43:17


Gravity: BLE Sensor Beacon can only broadcast the data from its only sensor, which means that it can only send data but not receive data from other decive, so it can not read RFID tags wirelessly.

For more information, see Wiki here.

Hope it can help

userHeadPic Tonny12138
2023-02-11 19:54:10

Gravity: BLE Sensor Beacon can broadcast the collected analog or pre-written information wirelessly, it is a transmitter rather than a receiver, it cannot read RFID tags wirelessly


userHeadPic Xiao
2023-02-11 18:39:51

Please let us know which  SKU are you refering? 

userHeadPic R2D2C3PO