
16 x 16 led matrix

userHead paul.hancock 2023-02-13 03:58:22 685 Views3 Replies


Ive tried to follow the instructions to setup a 16 x 16 single wire LED matrix. Ive installed the ADAfruit library and ive copied the Arduino code . When I try to compile, it says there is an error on line 16;

Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(256, PIN, NEO_GRB   NEO_KHZ800);

With error 'Compilation error: expected primary-expression before '(' token'   wont go past that unless I put // at the start. 

Then it gets to line 34 and gives the error 'Compilation error: 'strip' was not declared in this scope'


The only thing I can think of is that strip is within the avr/power.h library mentioned at the start but I cant find that library anywhere?

Any help would be appreciated.



2023-02-13 20:37:04

OK thanks. Found an article elsewhere that had the same program, however when I copied that version it complied and ran, dont know why but the version on here is corrupted in some way 

userHeadPic paul.hancock
2023-02-13 11:14:51


You can find all library and sample codes here.

Could you please try the sample code on the GitHub? There maybe some error in the code provided the WIKI.

Hope it can help.

userHeadPic Tonny12138
2023-02-13 04:06:43

userHeadPic paul.hancock