General Arduino

smart display on transparent glass?

userHead olden.kafe 2023-02-21 14:47:08 120 Views0 Replies

I'm trying to add a smart display to a window controlled by an arduino, I've looked at number of diy solutions to this but they all seem to have drawbacks such as:

-using s projector, requires a film which is pretty noticable and barely qualifies as transparent imo. Ideally it's not noticable -oled displays - maybe a decent solution? but can't find anything larger than a few inches and I need this to be more like 12"x 6" minimum. Also not sure how transparent these can get

dissasembling a flat screen display and using the OLED screen inside. Maybe this will work, it's hard to tell how I would attach this to the glass, how transparent it would be and if I could even integrate it with an arduino though I'm sure I could rig it up right a Pi. This seems to be the best of the bad options I've found so far

I feel like this would be a common thing people would want to do and there would be more videos about at least attempts. Is anyone aware of an approach here I haven't looked into or a product?
